
Competition Mechanics 

1. Purchase one (1) WORDWAR game card for P385 only to join
2. One WORDWAR game card per participant
3. Register your name. Ask the person who invited you.
4. Download WORDWAR game at www.bizzoe.net/games
5. Follow us in Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wordwar-Game-For-All-Ages/168760946513647 for updates and announcements
6. Competition Schedule: 
Elimination Rounds: July 16 & 23, 2011 (2pm-9pm)
Qualifying and Championship Round: July 30, 2011 (2pm-9pm)
7. Venue: Unit 104 G/F, AIC-Burgundy Empire Tower
Sapphire Road Cor. ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
8. Prizes to be given away:
Champion - iPad
1st Runner Up - Mobile phone
2nd Runner Up - WORDWAR T-shirt and game card

    Register Here!